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Passport Act (PassG)

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Übersetzung durch Neil Mussett.

Translation provided by Neil Mussett.

Stand: Die Übersetzung berücksichtigt die Änderung(en) des Gesetzes durch Artikel 8 des Gesetzes vom 25. Juli 2013 (BGBl. I S. 2749)
Der Stand der deutschsprachigen Dokumentation kann aktueller sein. Vergleichen Sie dazu bitte http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/pa_g_1986/BJNR105370986.html.

Version information: The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 8 of the Act of 25 July 2013 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2749)
Translations may not be updated at the same time as the German legal provisions displayed on this website. To compare with the current status of the German version, see http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/pa_g_1986/BJNR105370986.html.

Zur Nutzung dieser Übersetzung lesen Sie bitte den Hinweis unter "Translations".

For conditions governing use of this translation, please see the information provided under "Translations".

Chapter I:
Passport regulations
Section 1Passport requirement
Section 2Exemption from the passport requirement
Section 3Border crossing
Section 4Passport specimens
Section 5Length of validity
Section 6Passport issuance.
Section 6aForms and procedures for collecting, checking and transmitting passport data
Section 7Refusal to issue a passport
Section 8Revocation of passports
Section 9Recording of measures taken pursuant to the Passport Act
Section 10Prohibition on travel out of the country
Section 11Invalid passports
Section 12Withdrawal
Section 13Confiscation
Section 14Immediate effect
Section 15Obligations of passport holders
Section 16Data protection provisions
Section 16aVerification of identity using biometric data
Section 17Automated access to data files and automated storage by government agencies
Section 18Use in the private sector
Section 19Responsibility
Section 20Costs
Section 21Passport register
Section 22Processing and using data in the passport register
Section 22aElectronic data transmission and automated retrieval of photographs
Section 23Authority to issue instructions
Chapter II:
Provisions on punishment for criminal offences and fines
Section 24Criminal offences
Section 25Administrative offences
Section 26Fining authorities
Chapter III:
Final provisions
Section 27General administrative provisions
Section 28Transitional provisions