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Act to Combat Undeclared Work and Unlawful Employment
(Gesetz zur Bekämpfung der Schwarzarbeit und illegalen Beschäftigung - Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfungsgesetz, SchwarzArbG)

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Übersetzung durch den Sprachendienst des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen.

Translation provided by the Language Service of the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Stand: Die Übersetzung berücksichtigt die Änderung(en) des Gesetzes durch Artikel 22 des Gesetzes vom 25. Juni 2021 (BGBl. I S. 2099)
Der Stand der deutschsprachigen Dokumentation kann aktueller sein. Vergleichen Sie dazu bitte http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/schwarzarbg_2004/BJNR184210004.html.

Version information: The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 22 of the Act of 25 June 2021 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2099)
Translations may not be updated at the same time as the German legal provisions displayed on this website. To compare with the current status of the German version, see http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/schwarzarbg_2004/BJNR184210004.html.

Zur Nutzung dieser Übersetzung lesen Sie bitte den Hinweis unter "Translations".

For conditions governing use of this translation, please see the information provided under "Translations".

Part 1
Section 1Purpose of this Act
Part 2
Section 2Matters for inspection
Section 2aObligation to carry and produce identification
Section 3Powers during inspections of persons
Section 4Powers during inspections of business documents
Section 5Duty to submit to and cooperate with inspections
Section 5aUnauthorised offering of and creating demand for labour
Section 6Notification of and cooperation with authorities in Germany and in the European Union as well as in the European Economic Area
Section 6aSharing of personal data with European Union member states
Section 7Right to information in cases of anonymous advertising
Part 3
Provisions on administrative fines and criminal penalties
Section 8Administrative fine provisions
Section 9(repealed)
Section 10Employment of foreign nationals who lack a work permit or residence permit under unfavourable working conditions
Section 10aEmployment of foreign nationals who lack a residence permit and who are victims of human trafficking
Section 11Larger-scale employment of foreign nationals who lack a work permit or residence permit and employment of underage foreign nationals
Part 4
Section 12General provisions on administrative offences
Section 13Cooperation in administrative fine proceedings
Section 14Powers of investigation
Section 14aCarrying out autonomous investigations
Section 14bRights and obligations when investigations are being carried out autonomously
Section 14cSubject-matter and geographical jurisdiction when investigations are being carried out autonomously
Part 5
Data protection
Section 15General provisions
Section 16Central information system for the financial control of undeclared work
Section 17Sharing of data from the central information system
Section 18Notification of the person concerned
Section 19Deletion
Part 6
Administrative proceedings, legal recourse
Section 20Reimbursement for witnesses and experts
Section 21Exclusion from public contracts
Section 22Administrative proceedings
Section 23Legal recourse