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Act on the Recovery of Maintenance in Relations with Foreign States
Foreign Maintenance Act
(Gesetz zur Geltendmachung von Unterhaltsansprüchen im Verkehr mit ausländischen Staaten
Auslandsunterhaltsgesetz – AUG)

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Übersetzung durch Eileen Flügel.

Translation provided by Eileen Flügel.

Stand: Die Übersetzung berücksichtigt die Änderung(en) des Gesetzes durch Artikel 4 des Gesetzes vom 10. August 2021 (BGBl. I S. 3424)
Der Stand der deutschsprachigen Dokumentation kann aktueller sein. Vergleichen Sie dazu bitte http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/aug_2011/BJNR089810011.html.

Version information: The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 4 of the Act of 10 August 2021 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 3424)
Translations may not be updated at the same time as the German legal provisions displayed on this website. To compare with the current status of the German version, see http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/aug_2011/BJNR089810011.html.

Zur Nutzung dieser Übersetzung lesen Sie bitte den Hinweis unter "Translations".

For conditions governing use of this translation, please see the information provided under "Translations".

Chapter 1
General Part
Division 1
Scope of application; Definitions of terms
Section 1Scope of application
Section 2General provisions of court procedure
Section 3Definitions
Division 2
Central Authority
Section 4Central Authority
Section 5Functions and powers of the Central Authority
Section 6Assistance on the part of the youth welfare office
Division 3
Request for assistance in maintenance matters
Subdivision 1
Outgoing requests
Section 7Prior examination by the local court; concentration of jurisdiction
Section 8Content and form of the application
Section 9Extent of the prior examination
Section 10Translation of the application
Section 11Forwarding of the application by the Central Authority
Section 12Registration of an existing title abroad
Subdivision 2
Incoming applications
Section 13Translation of the application
Section 14Content and form of the application
Section 15Treatment of a provisional decision
Division 4
Collection of data by the Central Authority
Section 16Right of the Central Authority to procure information in order to obtain or amend a title
Section 17Right to procure information for the purpose of the recognition, declaration of enforceability and enforcement of a title
Section 18Notification of the collection of data
Section 19Transmission of data
Division 5
Legal aid
Section 20Prerequisites for the grant of legal aid
Section 21Competence for applications for legal aid in accordance with Council Directive 2003/8/EC
Section 22Legal aid in accordance with Article 46 of Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 and Articles 14 to 17 of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance
Section 23Legal aid for the recognition, declaration of enforceability and enforcement of maintenance titles
Section 24Legal aid for proceedings with formal reciprocity
Division 6
Supplementary regulations on jurisdiction; concentration of jurisdiction
Section 25International jurisdiction in accordance with Article 3 letter (c) of Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009
Section 26Territorial jurisdiction
Section 27Territorial jurisdiction for subsidiary jurisdiction and forum necessitatis; empowerment to issue ordinances
Section 28Concentration of jurisdiction; empowerment to issue ordinances
Section 29Jurisdiction within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006
Chapter 2
Recognition and enforcement of decisions
Division 1
Proceedings without exequatur under Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009
Section 30Waiver of endorsement for enforcement; documents
Section 31Applications for refusal, restriction or suspension of enforcement in accordance with Article 21 of Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009
Section 32Discontinuation of compulsory enforcement
Section 33Temporary discontinuation in case of restoration, appellate remedies and objection
Section 34Determination of the enforceable content of a foreign title
Division 2
Court jurisdiction for proceedings on the recognition and declaration of enforceability of foreign decisions
Section 35Court jurisdiction; concentration of jurisdiction; authorisation to issue statutory instruments
Division 3
Proceedings with exequatur in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 and the agreements of the European Union
Subdivision 1
Admission of compulsory enforcement of foreign titles
Section 36Application
Section 37Service recipient
Section 38Proceedings
Section 39Enforceability of foreign titles in special cases
Section 40Decision
Section 41Endorsement for enforcement
Section 42Announcement of the decision
Subdivision 2
Complaint, complaint on a point of law
Section 43Court hearing the complaint; filing a complaint; time limit for a complaint
Section 44(deleted)
Section 45Proceedings and decision on the complaint
Section 46Admissibility and time limit for a complaint on a point of law
Section 47Filing, and grounds for, a complaint on a point of law
Section 48Proceedings and decision on a complaint on a point of law
Subdivision 3
Restriction of compulsory enforcement to protective measures and unrestricted continuation of compulsory enforcement
Section 49Review of the restriction
Section 50Security deposited by the debtor
Section 51Auctioning of moveables
Section 52Unrestricted continuation of compulsory enforcement; special court orders
Section 53Unrestricted continuation of compulsory enforcement admitted by the first-instance court
Section 54Unrestricted continuation of the compulsory enforcement permitted by the complaint court
Subdivision 4
Establishment of the recognition of a foreign decision
Section 55Proceedings
Section 56Decision on costs
Division 4
Recognition and enforcement of maintenance titles in accordance with international agreements
Subdivision 1
Section 57Application of provisions
Section 58Hearing
Section 59Deadline for complaint
Section 59aObjections in complaint proceedings to the claim to be enforced
Section 60Restriction of compulsory enforcement by law
Subdivision 2
Recognition and enforcement of maintenance titles under the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance
Section 60aComplaint proceedings in the area of the Hague Convention
Subdivision 3
Recognition and enforcement of maintenance titles under the Hague Convention of 2 October 1973 on the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations
Section 61Restriction of recognition and enforcement
Section 62Complaint proceedings within the scope of the Hague Convention
Subdivision 4
Convention of 16 September 1988 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
Section 63Special arrangements for the complaint proceedings
Division 5
Proceedings in case of formal reciprocity
Section 64Enforceability of foreign titles
Chapter 3
Enforcement, application for aversion of enforcement, separate proceedings; compensation
Division 1
Enforcement, application for aversion of enforcement, separate proceedings
Section 65Enforcement
Section 66Application for aversion of enforcement
Section 67Proceedings after repeal or amendment of a foreign title in the state of origin which had been declared enforceable
Section 68Rescission or amendment of foreign decisions whose recognition has been established
Division 2
Compensation because of unjustified enforcement
Section 69Compensation because of unjustified enforcement
Chapter 4
Decisions of German courts; order for payment procedure
Section 70Application of the debtor in accordance with Article 19 of Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009
Section 71Certificates regarding domestic titles
Section 72Quantification of index-linked maintenance titles for compulsory enforcement abroad
Section 73Completion of domestic decisions for use abroad
Section 74Endorsement for enforcement for use abroad
Section 75Order for payment procedure with service abroad
Chapter 5
Costs; transitional provisions
Division 1
Section 76Translations
Division 2
Transitional Provisions
Section 77Transitional provisions